Frozen Yogurt Blueberries

Frozen Yogurt Blueberries

Men Can Cook Chef Level:  Featherweight

Yields 4 servings


Frozen Yogurt Blueberries are a healthy snack choice that is simple to put together and keep in the fridge.  This recipe only has 3 ingredients!  You also need some freezer space to place a pan with the blueberries spaced out.  I needed another snack that was healthy and this one fit the bill. I find myself always looking for something to snack on and Yogurt Blueberries are just awesome!  Not much more to say about it just a quick hit recipe from MENFOODFLAVOR!  Try out these Frozen Yogurt Blueberries!

Need more reasons to eat blueberries?!  Well, check out this article on Blueberries.  I like the fact that they are full of vitamins, good for your bones, and can lower blood pressure.  Read the article if you want more details.  I found it to be interesting and I now think they are my favorite berry!  Glad I found another way to eat them and share this Frozen Yogurt Blueberries with all of you!


  • 1 cup of Plain or Vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 1TBS of Honey or another low-calorie sweeteners
  • 2 cups of Blueberries


  1. Put the yogurt into a bowl and then add your sweetener in this case Honey.
  2. Mix the Yogurt and Honey well.  Taste test and add more sweetener if you desire.
  3. Now add your blueberries and mix them well.
  4. Take out a non-stick cooking pan and place the blueberries on the pan.
  5. Place the Pan in your freezer for 1 hour.
  6. Take the Yogurt Blueberries out of the freezer and put them in a container for storage.
  7. Taste test a few and enjoy!

Basic Nutrition details (Created in the My Fitness Pal App)

½ cup Serving Size

Calories 78 Carbs 14.4g Fat 0.4g Protein 6.1g


One Comment

  1. Well this is something I’ve never thought of trying! 💯